Thursday, January 22, 2009

Great Opportunity to Get Involved in Community Affairs

Sunday, January 25, 2009

It’s Time to Support the Change We Need

1pm-5pm, Martin Luther King Center at 40th Street & Illinois Street

The MLK Center would like to invite you to join in the world-wide anticipation of a new and exciting direction for America and the world.

Come join in an introductory conversation about the future, celebrate at an Issues-Oriented Open House. Our votes sent the message that we all know things can be done better, and President Obama will be relying on us to overcome resistance to the changes we know we need.

In addition to celebrating and reuniting with grassroots friends, you will have the opportunity to learn more about a few of the issues that we can impact locally. There will be dedicated areas for discussion on:

Energy and the Environment

Jobs and the Economy

Health Care


Military Families

Local Politics

Discussion groups on the above topics will be held in 45-minute sessions beginning shortly after the top of each hour. Discussions will be enhanced by thought leaders and agencies that provide volunteer opportunities. Plan to spend enough time to participate in more than one issue discussion. There will be activities for children as well. Space is limited, so please sign up soon. And indicate in the “Comments” section the issue discussions in which you would like to participate.

While admission is free, a donation of your choosing will be accepted to offset the cost of the event. You may also choose to bring any non-perishable canned or boxed items to the Martin Luther King Center to help stock their food bank.

We also invite you to visit and add your name to the database of Greater Indianapolis for Change, an organization emerging out of the grassroots volunteer efforts to elect Barack Obama President. By signing up, you will be part of a network of activists dedicated to serving their community, people who share passions and motivations, and you will be linked in with leaders who can assist in realizing those common goals. Take a look at who we are and who we are becoming. And please take the time to indicate the issues you find the most critical and the most personally compelling

Monday, January 19, 2009

We're Back!

We had a wonderful 2 weeks in Florida. I have to say 2 weeks is brilliant! It really allows you to get into vacation mode and just relax.
We mostly went to the beach, swam in the pool, and watched HGTV at night. We don't have cable at home so this is a treat! We did a little putt putt, which isn't that fun with a toddler...but nice anyways.
Reading is a highlight for me each year. This year I finished Blue Like Jazz and Not For Sale (which deserves it's own post), and I also read Kite Runner. Yes, Kite Runner is a good book, but it seems wierd to call it good because it tears your heart out and puts your emotions through anguish.
Here are a few of the hundreds of pictures we took :)