Wednesday, May 2, 2007

sophie the mag light

Maegan has a new best friend. Her name is Sophie. According to Maegan, Sophie loves God, takes naps, and her job is to "find day". Sophie is also Doug's weapon of choice. Before sleeping in Maegan's doll crib, Sophie slept under Doug's side of the bed. This was a perfect spot just in case Doug needed to club an intruder in the middle of the night. Now Doug is going to have to venture into Maegan's room, change Sophie out of her nightgown, and then club the intruder.

Sophie is Doug's Mag light. Maegan hasn't ever gotten into playing with her dolls. But, for some reason she has adopted the oversized flashlight as her best friend. She dresses the flashlight in clothing, talks to it, and uses "Sophie" to find the day. Ahhh, imagination!
(pictured above: sophie dressed in a comfortable shirt and summer skirt)

1 comment:

Kute by Kari said...

Very nice... I guess little boys take girlie things like dolls and pop their heads off and do boy like things to them... little girls take boy things (like flash lights) and dress them up in girls clothes.