Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Change is coming...

Investors Against Genocide (IAG) is leading a national campaign to make sure mutual funds do not make investments that contribute to genocide. They have submitted shareholder proposals to more than 50 mutual funds that ask the mutual funds to become genocide-free.

On March 19, at the first shareholder meeting on this topic, over a quarter of those who voted cast their ballots for genocide-free investing. More votes are scheduled for April 16 and May 14 at meetings where 19 Fidelity mutual funds will have a proxy ballot question on genocide-free investing.

Momentum is building for genocide-free investing. The March 19 votes received widespread press coverage including the Wall Street Journal, New York Times, NPR's Morning Edition, Fox Business News, the International Herald Tribune and the Boston Globe. Additionally, AP and Reuters articles ran in regional newspapers across the country. Actress Mia Farrow and Congressman Jim McGovern along with national religious and human rights organizations including the Unitarian Universalist Association, American Jewish World Service, Physicians for Human Rights, and Genocide Intervention Network have backed the proposal. Visit www.investorsagainstgenocide.org/howtohelp for more details.

1 comment:

Alison said...

It was really good to hear the individual's perspectives on what's happening in Darfur. Thanks for including the YouTube links. What a difference your involvement with the Darfur Coalition has made in the lives of people here and in Darfur.