Monday, July 27, 2009


Everyone keeps asking how life is going with three and I'm not sure how to answer. Some moments I think, "hey, I'm doing it, I'm really doing it!" Then other days I think I'm going to lose my mind, or have already lost it (just like my phone, planner, etc.)
Today we went to run some errands that weren't too successful. Then we had to get some lunch. Spencer got Chick Fil A and then I needed to find a Fazolis because I know they have dairy free food. So, we went all the way from Castleton to west
86th, just for food. Then we found a park and laid out our blanket and chairs for a picnic. At this point Graham started wailing because he was hungry. I stopped eating to feed him, then Maegan had to use the bathroom...right away. This park didn't have a potty so we had to pack it all up (including a half feed baby) and head to the Broadripple Art Center where Maegan would be attending art class at 1:15. Thankfully I am now getting a little peace (except for Spencer standing here talking to me NON STOP!)
Thanks to Tia Phillips for the cd titled "Peace and Quiet". I play it in the car, loud enough to drown everyone out :)

1 comment:

Alison said...

Definitely been there, done that and continue to be there! It does get easier-eventually....At least I'm hoping it does! :-) Perhaps I could get a copy of that cd...