It's been awhile since I've posted Maegan's art. She spends several hours a day drawing, coloring, cutting and taping. She makes purses, jewelry boxes, notebooks, and paper dolls complete with interchangeable outfits. I just have to put up with the paper that she leaves all over the house. Yesterday she made a holder for her Pokemon cards that had 11 compartments so she could sort them by their "power". No, Pokemon isn't something we've encouraged, but it is a way for her to play with the boys at school. I think it's helped her math because she has to figure out what numbers are greater than others.
I'm posting the "pink" picture because it gives insight into Maegan's current attitude that Doug and I are trying to rule her life and that she never gets to have her way. Yes, that is me and Doug with our kids in cages, complete with locks. Can you imagine if a child psychologist analyzed this picture!
I included a happy picture of us too and some horses.
I LOVE Maegan's art. First of all, she's seriously gifted. Secondly, she's hilarious! I'm pretty sure if Eli could draw that well his art would look very similar to the "pink" one these days!
See, I was thinking that the second picture could be how Maegan sees Spencer and herself...while you have them locked in cages, they are perfect angels!
It was good seeing you yesterday and has been a fun journey being preggers together.
Is it just me or are there cages in picture two??? I love her art, it makes me laugh out loud!
At least she doesn't think you play favorites since they were both in the cage! :-) I'm sure that's you and Doug as angels, too.
Wait, I just noticed what Kari said about the cages in the angel picture, too! The girl's got talent and quite an imagination and ability to express herself through art!
Yeah, I noticed that after I posted. The birds in the cage aren't smiling in the second picture either.
Poor Maegan, she is definitely suffering from being under my thumb!
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