Tuesday, June 3, 2008

if you like dining in a litter box

This past weekend we had a blast with the Kueblers in Gatlinburg. The trip was sans kids, so we really whooped it up!
The reference to the litter box is our dining experience at The Dixie Stampede. The Dixie Stampede is rated 4 out of the 10 most awesome things to do in Gatlinburg. Wow, what an experience. The picture of Kari and I holding our noses tells you a little about the atmosphere. The DS includes lots of animals kicking up stinky sand, while you tear apart your dinner with your hands. The show was some mixed up plot regarding the North and the South and you had to pick a side to cheer for...as if the civil war is a nice part of our history.
Another highlight was the Zorb. The Zorb hails from New Zealand and I think it's America's next extreme sport. Well, it's not too extreme because you ride down a hill in a big bubble ball filled with water. But, it's a very exciting time!
We also enjoyed a nice hike in the Smoky Mountain National Park. We even got to see a momma bear and her two cubs.
I have to mention that Kari and I totally defeated Doug and Mike at Spades...and it was Kari's first time playing :)


Kute by Kari said...

First of all I love the fact you call it the DS as if we have a name for it because we frequent it often. I would love to add a cleaver comment but all I can say is WOW when it comes to the DS. I still get a little puck in my mouth when I think about it.

Anonymous said...

I blanked myself while reading the description of DS.

carol said...

That anonymous comment is an inside joke from the weekend...not some psycho blogger!

Kute by Kari said...

For the record I am not the one that blanked myself.

Alison said...

Good to know, Kari, good to know....I'm sure it was a blast. I'm cracking up just from the comments!

andrew,betsy,& noura said...

how fun!! i love gaitlanburg!