Maegan is on a tirade. It started with Doug asking her to wash her hands before dinner, to which she responded "You aren't the expert on everything!" When I asked her to wash her hands she said, "You aren't smart enough for this house!" The pleasantries continued during dinner. We were trying to make her try one noodle. She said that we don't offer her food and drinks when she needs them. So, I guess we don't provide for her needs. After a dinner full of fighting Maegan announced that one day she is going to be the best mom ever. I asked her what being the best mom meant. She said, "I will be the funest. I will give my kids lots of candy, even if I don't have a coupon. I will buy lots of stuff, everything in the world. We will go to fun places all the time; like the museum, to farms, everything fun! I will buy toys, shells, backpacks, paper towels, everything." Then it got better. She said, "Mom, when I become a mom you can be the housekeeper. I will do all the fun stuff and you will keep everything clean." Can you read between the lines?
Whenever we go to the store and Maegan asks for something I say, "it's not on my list. Maybe we'll get it next time if I have a coupon." And, yesterday I had my own tirade when I exclaimed to my dear children, "Do you think that all my life I dreamed of cleaning the house constantly! Do you think this is fun for me? Maybe I want to play!"
Ah, is it almost bedtime?!
p.s. this picture is after "horrible hair" day at school, painting, and lots of candy eating.
Oh Carol, I love reading your blog and getting to hear that I am not the only one with an insolent child. I love that you can laugh at it and remember she is only a child :) Eli's new favorite thing is to threaten me. Ex: "If you don't give me more ____ I will never stay in this house any more!" or "If you don't do ____ you will not be my mommy ever again!" Doesn't that just fill you with warm fuzzies? I know I have uttered the comment about cleaning... I'm pretty sure my kids know "mommy is tired of being a maid" - not that they know what a maid is.
If only it were as funny in the moment! :-) Won't it be fun to have all these wonderful memories written down to read to her when she is a mom?? ;-) You wouldn't do that, right? Love the new background!
Oh, I will remind her when she is a mom...but not about the housekeeper part (I don't want to give her any ideas).
The background was free from LeeLou Blogs.
Oh make me smile. If we lived in the same city our kids would be a force! Today I told Ella to take off her fancy church dress before she could play with playdoh - or else choose a different activity. To which she replied, "Fine! You don't love me! I'll just throw all my dresses away...and my pants...and my shirts............and my pajamas! I'll just be naked! Forever! And then I'll die! (In my mind I thought - Fine by me! Less laundry to do! HA!)
Why does this always publish me as Brian?? This is Katie!!!
Man I love that girl. She is so smart, witty, funny, and brilliant. Unfortunately I think she may be smarter than us when she is 16!!! I have decided she will most definitely be a writer one day. Oh and guess what? I will be her biggest fan and the first one to buy her books. Then she will hire all of us maids =)
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